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Friday, January 29, 2010

Meddling Milly

Milly was a small little girl child who looked innocent and sweet. Everyone in town knew better. Milly was a meddler. Milly couldn't keep her nose in her own business. Milly knew what was going on with just about everyone in town, and they couldn't stand it.

Something had to be done about Milly they decided. Of course, it was impossible to have a secret meeting without Milly knowing. She always showed up and commented on the matter. See Milly couldn't just stand by and observe anything. That's part of why she was so annoying. She had to comment or take part or try to fix it.

Milly knew the townsfolk didn't like her much, but she just couldn't help herself. So she would show up to the secret meetings about how to get rid of her full of suggestions. No one took her seriously.
Milly didn't really want to leave the town. She loved it there and loved everything in it, which is why she was such a meddler.

But then she got an idea. She would lock herself in the basement of the town hall. From here she could hear everything that was going on in town and stay out of everyone's way while doing it.

Of course Milly wasn't locked in the basement for more than hour before she started meddling with everything down there. She started going through all the old files and census reports. Soon Milly knew almost everything there was to know about the town and everyone in it. She thought she had seen it all, but that night when she lay down to go to sleep, the floor board was pressing into her back. It was really annoying. So of course Milly tried to fix it.

Milly wasn't very good at fixing things, though she tried all the time. It was another reason she was kind of annoying. So instead of hammering down the floorboard, she ripped it off.

But oh! What she found below! She found a treasure chest full of stories about the town and everyone in it's ancestors. The stories were embarrassing and hilarious. Well Milly just couldn't contain herself any longer. She had to tell everyone about her find.

So she broke out of the basement, got a bull horn, and started reading the stories. At first everyone was kind of embarassed, but then they all started laughing. Great Granddad did what?!? By the end of the next day Milly had the entire town rolling on the ground of Town Square laughing, laughing, laughing.
It was decided that this was the perfect role for Milly. Milly would be the town story teller. She would sit in town square and tell embarassing and humours stories from both the past and the present day.
Milly was so excited about this new position that she was able to contain her meddling ways and use them for her new official post as town gossip. She no longer tried to fix it or comment, because she didn't want to ruin the pure material she would get to tell everyone about.

And she has been there ever since.

The End
Moral: When you're lacking confidence, don't lock yourself in a basement! Embarrass everyone else around you instead.