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Thursday, March 29, 2018

It's Raining Marshmallows

Marshmallows were falling from the sky. But only on 2nd street. Why was it raining marshmallows you ask? 

On 2nd street there lived a little boy named Billy Bob-Jack Jimmy-Jack Sammy Hutton-Schultz, but everyone called him Davey. And Davey loved marshmallows. 

He absolutely adored them.

One day while eating marshmallows and sitting on his sister's hello kitty bean bag, his  favorite radio station 95.5 MRSH announced a contest. All you had to do was call in and answer the question and you would receive and extra special prize. The question? On average how many marshmallows come in a bag?

Of course Davey knew this answer immediately. He’d eaten through enough marshmallow bags to damn up the Hudson. Davey called in. “Two hundred thirty three if they’re little, and Sixty seven if they’re big.”

He of course won the extra special prize. Five hundred pounds of marshmallows. Since marshmallow are light and fluffy you can only imagine how much this was.

When Davey's prize arrived, he had no place to put them but the roof of his apartment building. Out in the open like that, anyone could come and take a bag. Anyone at all! Davey grew very paranoid that everyone was after his marshmallows. He would not share with anyone let alone let anyone up on the roof, beating other residents away with broom. He even yelled obscene things at pigeons who were merely sitting by the marshmallows taking a rest.

The landlord told his parents to get him under control or they’d be evicted, but Davey barricaded the roof door with marshmallows and deck chairs and refused to open it. Davey became very greedy with his marshmallows and would not share with anyone.

Down the street lived an old woman with 750 cats. Everyone joked that she was a witch, but that’s only because they didn’t know she actually was. 

One day, one of the old witch’s cats managed to make it to the roof, where he immediately began to pounce and claw at the marshmallow bags. Davey, crazed from living off of nothing but spun sugar for days, swatted the cat with the broom. The cat went flying over the building tops, getting stuck in a tree in the park, so frightened it refused to come down for a whole day, causing the old witch to go looking for it. 

When she found the poor distressed dear, she used her magic to surmise what had happened.
Davey awoke the next morning to the witch sitting atop his marshmallow pile.
He stared at her.
She stared at him.
Then she popped a marshmallow in her mouth.
Davey screamed. "Get your hands off my marshmallows!" He wielded his broomstick and began leaping and climbing up the bags of marshmallows at impressive sugar fueled speed.
Just as Davey was about to strike the witch she laughed a merciless laugh and clapped her hands together. 

 In an instant the marshmellow bags exploded beneath them, filling the sky.
Of course they began to fall back down; hence it was raining marshmallows.
Children and adults alike danced in the streets with their mouths open wide celebrating.
Davey sat on his roof and cried. 

The witch came, placed her hand on the dear boy’s shoulder and whispered a secret into his ear.
Davey never ate another marshmallow again, and the snacks he did eat, he always thus shared.